Brochures, a magazine spread and poster for Standing Up to POTS.
This magazine spread increases the awareness of postural orthostatic tachycardia syndrome (POTS) and the non-profit organization called Standing Up to POTS. The headline overlaps onto both pages, bleeds off the page, remains in the foreground, creates interesting negative space, and uses hierarchy of scale to instantly capture the viewer's attention. The simplicity allows the message to be clear and concise.
The purpose of this poster is to raise awareness about Postural Orthostatic Tachycardia Syndrome and a non-profit organization called Standing Up to POTS. I placed the photograph in the foreground by placing the vertical type behind her. This allows her to stand out, while simultaneously keeping the headline dominate by it's color and placement on the poster.
When designing the poster, I knew I wanted to keep it simple so the imagery and headline didn't lose it's impact.
Case Study
The goal was to inform those unaware about postural orthostatic tachycardia syndrome and the non-profit organization called Standing Up to POTS. Grabbing the viewer's attention was achieved by using strong photographs, color schemes, and organized layouts.
The brochure's target audience are people that are unaware of the chronic illness, whether it's family members of POTS patients, doctors, teachers or anyone else. Therefore, I focused on conveying all of the emotions POTS patients have with this chronic illness and the important facts about POTS.
The brochure received positive feedback. It successfully informed and brought awareness to the target audience.
I chose to design this tri-fold brochure as well as a larger brochure. Both brochures focus on informing the public about a chronic illness called postural orthostatic tachycardia syndrome.
I use a balance of body copy and imagery throughout the brochure. This allows the viewer to learn valuable information and not get overwhelmed by large amounts of body copy. I also explain POTS by taking photographs that show the emotions people with POTS experience.
The goal for this brochure is to help those suffering from a chronic illness, specifically postural orthostatic tachycardia syndrome (POTS). The brochure includes information on multiple treatments, support groups, patient's stories, advice, and other important information about this illness to patients with POTS. It was important to incorporate the right balance of body copy and photographs to intrigue the specific target audience.
Recognizing that the target audience is POTS patients or parents with children that suffer from POTS, allows me to focus on how emotional it can be and give suggestions that can help. I made sure to make the body copy easy to read and use imagery that illustrates the issues and struggles that POTS patients face. It's important that the photographs and design create a connection with the target audience so they take in all the valuable advice and strategies.
The brochure was successful in informing the target audience about important information to help those living with POTS. It's accomplished through imagery that expresses the emotions POTS patients experience.